Lesson 4: Sicilian adverbs, conjunctions, the apostrophe
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n Sicilian we have adverbs of place:
sutta (under), supra (above,on), ccà (here), ddà (there), unni (where( etc.
Mi mìsiru sutta lu ponti They put me under the bridge
Iu ddà nun ci iava I was not going to go there
Mi mannàru unni c’era pirìculu
They sent me where it was dangerous
Of time:
doppu (after), ora, (now), aeri (yesterday) oi or oggi (today), dumàni (tomorrow), quànnu (when), mai (never)etc.
Iu cci ivi doppu d’iddu I went after to him
Mê soru arrìva dumàni My sister will arrive tomorrow
Iddu vinni ora di la casa He came now from the house
La casa e` già pulìta The house is already clean
Of quantity:
abbastànza (enough, plenty), picca (little, few), assai (a lot, many), menu (less) cchiu` (more), tantu (so much), etc.
Aiu picca sordi, nun mi ncuitàri
I heve little money, don’t bother me
Nn’ài abbastànza manciàri?
Do you have enough food?
Ài tanti cavàddi e nun li fai cùrriri
You have so many horses and you don’t race them
Of manner:
comu (like, as), beni (well), accussì (so, this way), nùtili (uselessly), ammucciùni (secretly), etc.
Tu travagghiavi ammucciùni, picchì?
You were working in secret, why?
Fa comu fazzu iu Do as I do
Vogghiu chilu fai accussì I want you to do it this way
Other adverbs are: ntunnu (around), siccòmu (since), dintra (in), dunca (then, so), macàri (even), avànti (ahead, in front), mentri (while), vicìnu (near), prìmisi (first of all), mmenzu (by means of), versu (toward), nveci (instead) allàtu (near, beside), nzinu (until), etc.
Ci firriàva ntunnu ma nu lu truvàva
He was going around it but could not find it
Era allàtu l’arbulu He was besides the tree
T’accumpàgnu nzinu a la casa
I will accompany you until your house
Mentri sugnu ccà cci vegnu puru
as long as I am here I’ll come too
The compound prepositions are formed by an adverb and a preposition
Ntunnu a around the
Sutta di under the
Ammucciùni di in the secret of
Vicinu a near the
Doppu di after the
Supra di over, above the
nzinu a until
Diversamènti di differently from
Pi mmenzu di By means of
Allàtu a near, beside the
Cchiù picca di less than
Menu di less than
A favùri di in favor of
Avia cchiù picca sordi di sô patri
He had less money than his father
Era vicinu a sô nannu He was near his grandfather
Iddu lu fici a favùri di sô matri
He did it in favor of his mother
Diversamènti di chistu nu si putèva fari
It could not be done differently from this
Pi mancànza di tempu mancu manciài
For lack of time I did not even eat
Conjunctions are those parts of speech that tie two sentences, two subjects, two parts of a sentence together:
Iu e tu You and I
Cci vai tu e ci vaiu puru iu I will go too
Iddu vinni però idda no He came but she did not
Si nun cci vai tu mancu cci vaiu iu
If you do not go, I will not go either
Cci ivi iu sparti d’iddu I went too besides him
The apostrophe
The apostrophe is a graphic sign that is used in the encounter of two vowels.
L’anèddu the ring
L’azzàru the steel
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L’ebbrèu the Jew
L’idìa the idea
L’òcchiu the eye
L’ugnu the fingernail
Chistu e` l’agnèddu di Pasqua This is the Easter lamb
L’òcchiu dû patrùni ngrassa lu cavàddu
The owner’s eye fattens the horse
Cci tagghiàva l’ugna a sô fìgghiu
He was trimming his son’s nails
In the case of a natural elimination of a vowel at the beginning of a word, it is not necessary to use the apostrophe. In fact, according to G. Piccitto, it should never be used for that reason, as in the indefinite article:
na a, an
nu a, an
Duna na manu a tô frati Give a hand to your brother
Mê matri era cu nu ziu miu
My mother was with an uncle of mine
and in the preposition n (in, to)
Iddu si nn;iu n Sicilia He went to Sicily
And in the words that start with an i, where the word loses the i the apostrophe is not used anymore to show the loss of the vowel, so we have:
Mpurtànti important
Nnuccènti innocent
Nzignànti teacher
Nchinàri to bow
Ncignùsu ingenious
Nzivàtu greased
Ntattu whole
Ntuppàri to stop, to close
Ntisu heard, obeyed
Mparàri to learn
Mpiccicàtu glued, slow
Nun ncurpàri a mia Do not give the fault to me
Sta canzùna mancu l’aiu ntisu I never heard this song
Ra ncatinàtu all’àrbulu He was chained to the tree
Archimèdi fu n’omu ncignùsu Archimedes was a genius
Then we can say that the articles la, lu, li and the pronouns la, lu, li can take the apostrophe and so can the demonstrative adjectives: ddu, dda (that one), ddi (those ones), stu (this one), sti (these ones), ssa, ssu (that one), ssi (those ones). The personal pronouns ti (to you), nni (to us), vi (to you plural), and the reflective si (self action) and cci (to, by him, to, by them) can also take the apostrophe:
Iu vitti l’ecclìssi I saw the eclipse
Iddu nun l’abbruciò He did not burn it
Chiàma add’abbàti Call that abbot
Pìgghiati ss’abbitu Take that suit
St’abbìsu è laidu This notice is bad
T’aiu a dari na manu I have to give you a hand
V’aiu a pulizziàri la casa I want to clean your house
Nn’ati a dari li sordi You have to give the money to us
S’innamurò di idda He fell in love with her
Cc’era sô matri
His, her mother was there (with him, her, them)
Iddu l’avia ma nun dissi nenti
He had it but did not say anything
If cci meets a, o, u does not take the apostrophe:
Idda cci avìa iutu a scola She had gone to school
Cci iuncìvi ògghiu nta lampa I added oil to the lamp
But they are pronounced very close, as if they had an apostrophe.
Other cases where the apostrophe can be used are in phrases like:
C’avèm’a fari = chi avèmu a fari What can we do?
C’avèm’a diri = chi avèmu a diri what can we say?
C’avèm’a fari si nun voli vèniri
What can we do if he does not want to come
C’avem’a diri si la matri nun voli?
What can we say if the mother does not want
In some cases where the word starts with an i, the apostrophe is not used:
Nun lu vògghiu fari ddu iocu I do not want to do that play
Sta iena è laida This hyena is ugly (or bad)
Ssa idìa nun mi piaci I don’t like that idea
Ssu iardìnu è beddu ciurutu That garden is really in blossom
Ddu iacìntu è veru beddu That hyacinth is really beautiful
Ddu ièncu è grossu That bull is big
But the following can take the apostrophe;
Si nn’§u = si nni §u He, she went away
Cc’§u = cci §u He, she went there
Sô frati si nn’§u n cità His brother went to the city
A casa cc’§u cu sô patri He went home with his father
unu (masculine) and una (feminine), are not used as indefinite articles, but they are used numerically: one.
Quàntu cani c’eranu? Unu. How many dogs were there? One (only one)
Quàntu fìmmini arristàru? Sulu una. How many women were arrested? Only one